
Features of translation from French

Each language is unique, and each has its own exceptional features that cannot be ignored when translating. Many linguists and language learners alike admit that French and french to english translation is relatively “easy” to learn. However, this ease does not mean that translators working with this language do not face certain difficulties. So what are they?

The first feature of the French language is the existence of two relatively independent dialects: northern (Provencal) and southern. They differ quite significantly from each other, however, not so much that the speakers of these dialects could not understand each other. For some time, these dialects were equivalent in their status and prevalence, however, now the northern dialect occupies a leading position. It is the language spoken by the majority of residents of French-speaking countries (and there are about 30 such countries), business documentation is kept, books and newspapers are printed. However, this does not mean at all that a translator from French into Russian does not have to deal with turns and expressions of the southern dialect, which are quite common in the speech of the French, especially in the southern part of the country.

One of the tasks facing the translator is to translate as accurately as possible, preserving not only the content, but also the stylistic coloring of the text or speech. Obviously, when translating a literary text, not the same language means and constructions will be used as when translating a scientific article. And the emotional richness of the works of French authors requires a particularly careful selection of means of artistic expression in translation.

The French language is rich in idiomatic expressions, and for inexperienced translators, this can be another stumbling block. A competent and accurate translation of set expressions is an indicator of the professionalism of the performer.

Many words in French have a similar pronunciation, which can also create additional difficulties for the translator. In the written translation of French homophones, “silent letters” help, which are not readable, but allow you to distinguish between individual words and word forms in writing.

The French language has a developed system of verb forms, including various tense and voice forms. For example, to describe upcoming events in the future, the French may use different tenses of verbs. The system of moods is also rather complicated: in French there are not three, as, for example, in Russian or English, but four.

Another feature of the French language is the direct word order in a sentence. In Russian, as you know, the word order is quite free, and the rearrangement of the members of the sentence allows you to focus on individual words, sometimes changing the meaning of the entire statement. When translating into French, the same effect has to be achieved by other linguistic means (for example, using definite and indefinite articles of nouns).

In whatever language pair the translation is carried out, its quality will directly depend on the experience and professionalism of the performer. Qualified French translators can be found in a major translation agency with a good reputation.

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